New ( old ) member from germany

Discussion in 'Welcome & Introductions' started by dagute, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. dagute

    dagute New Member

    Hello to all of you from germany

    I live 2km away from the Nürburgring, an found this forum with advice from a friend.
    I do not own a M3 - but a E28 M5.

    I run a race engine shop, but that is not the reason why I am here - at the moment my main field of work is the GT3. Involved im racing for 27 years now,
    I was a part of the old DTM since 1986.
    And the longer these time are away, the more I miss this kind of real racing - compared to the show that is going on nowadays.

    From 1988 to 1992 i build up an rebuild more than 100 S14 engines for every
    kind of racing - Teams Unitron, Wolf, Schons, Zakspeed, Severich, Lenk, Wagenhäuser, Linder, Mastop, Cibi Emme...

    So feel free to ask for technical details regrading engine, suspension, electronics or mappings.

    I am an enthusiast of these cars and these races that i will never forget -
    so this has no comercial background, and should be a free service for others of my kind.

  2. lucam3evo2

    lucam3evo2 Member

    Ciao Peter,
    welcome to the forum, I think that we are fortunate and honored by your presence. I'd love to see some photos of that period ...
  3. reto

    reto Member

    Hallo Peter,schön dich hier begrüssen zu dürfen!
    Lese schon in nem anderen forum immer spannend deine komentare,fachmänischen beiträge..

    Glaub hier bist du genau richtig!
    Hast du nicht ein paar Fotos von deiner zeit bei der dtm?

    Bin zwar erst 33 jahre alt,hab aber die gleiche ansicht vom rennsport wie du,früher wars racing,heute egal in welcher klasse nur show..

    Grüsse reto
  4. John

    John 2.7l S14 Forum Supporter

    Hello Mr. Schill ! welcome to our small forum, it is great to have you here. It is becoming more and more rare to find people from the old days and since BMW motorsport has long moved beyond.

  5. Kiko

    Kiko Active Member

    Be very welcome Peter!
  6. M3-Tom

    M3-Tom Member

    Hallo Peter,

    dein Name ist mir ein Begriff. Schön daß du hier in dieses Forum gefunden hast.

    Grüße aus Bayern ;)
  7. CLRM3

    CLRM3 Member

    Hi Peter,
    du auch hier endlich hier.
    Christian Löhr
  8. Revmaster T

    Revmaster T Member Staff Member Forum Supporter

    Hi Peter,

    Willkommen zu S14 Power !
  9. dagute

    dagute New Member

    Thanks for the kind welcome.
    Hope to meet some of you guys during the year at the track.
    I will look for some pics of the old days during the next week.

  10. JulienM3

    JulienM3 Member Forum Supporter

    Welcome on board!
  11. david

    david Member Forum Supporter

    Hi Peter,
    Welcome to the forum and look forward to seeing your photos.
  12. OLLIE_NZ

    OLLIE_NZ Member

    Hello Peter, what an honour it is to have you here on this forum.

    Welcome all the way from New Zealand!
  13. bigbird76

    bigbird76 Member Forum Supporter

    Hello Peter

    Welcome to the forum.

  14. Rajvosa

    Rajvosa New Member

    Welcome! i was at the 'Ring on Friday! (my first time :) )