Random Video Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by autohabit, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. autohabit

    autohabit Moderator Staff Member Forum Supporter

  2. autohabit

    autohabit Moderator Staff Member Forum Supporter

  3. autohabit

    autohabit Moderator Staff Member Forum Supporter

  4. autohabit

    autohabit Moderator Staff Member Forum Supporter

  5. autohabit

    autohabit Moderator Staff Member Forum Supporter

  6. autohabit

    autohabit Moderator Staff Member Forum Supporter

  7. david

    david Member Forum Supporter

    This was a really good weekend at Ruapuna race track Christchurch 31st - 2nd of January 2025.
    I went Saturday caught up with Steve’s who owns and races the Blue E30 M3 French Supertourisme Chamionship #21 Pilot.

    I must say the Evolution 2 was just spectacular, in NZ for the race series for summer from Australia and I watched Greg Murphy giving a really good demonstration at lunchtime.

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