Discussion in 'Welcome & Introductions' started by ANGEL, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. ANGEL

    ANGEL Member


    I was waiting to be an "older" member at the forum before posting deeply.
    In just a few days I will start presenting my withe one.

    Thank you so much.

  2. Sheila

    Sheila New Member

    Hello Angel,

    Welcome. It´s always nice to see more spanish people sharing their cars and knowledges (he is a "leather master" and have his cars like brand new units) with the rest of M3 lovers. I think it´s the "Nurburgring effect"!!!

    He is the one who was whispering to the M3s in the parking... not dangerous at all

    Ongi etorri Angel, S14 Power-en jendea den dena dakite, gehiegi beharbada... asko jakin behar duzu ulertzeko.(ta sarritan, zerbait irabazi nahi dute... kontuz)
    Gehienak, racing aldean daude.
    Parkatu neure euskara baina ez da erraza gogoratzea...

    Bienvenido chaval, veras cuanto sabe esta gente... cuidado no te pase como al Presi, que esta siempre conectado...
  3. URIEL

    URIEL New Member

    Hello Angel.

    Welcome :)
  4. DAO

    DAO Member

    Hello Angel, ;) and welcome here !!!
  5. ANGEL

    ANGEL Member

    A pair ofe pictures with new vheels.

    Having a good look for the cuarter of century.


  6. MMM

    MMM Member Forum Supporter

    Hola Ángel,

    Nice set of wheels you just installed ... looking forward to this year's Nürburgring trip.
  7. davew

    davew Member

    What a lovely looking car - those wheels really work for me. Tell me about the brake ducts, what have you done there?


  8. ANGEL

    ANGEL Member

    Hello David, !!
    I´m so happy to hear you ( reading you will be better) again,almost one full year after.

    Thanks for you reply and opinion about my car and if you permit me,I´m giving you an answer for air ducts.
    We instaled carbon fiber dtm replica ducts just removing front bumper.First we took fog lights away and made a litle adaptation for correct fit ot the first front piece.
    After that,second piece was fifted using simply a pair screws an a bit of black silicone.
    We thought about fixing it hardly by fiber glass use but at last,thinking of future bumper remove we decided doing it in this way.
    At last,last part was added to the finish the line directly to brakes giving a clear way for "fresh" air .
    Nothing that was never done before.

    Some pictures in the work...




    Last edited: Apr 4, 2011
  9. ANGEL

    ANGEL Member

    Just finished and bumper goes to it´s original place.

    I hope you like our litle works,


    My best regards for you and we´ll miss you for sure this year at the Ring.
  10. MMM

    MMM Member Forum Supporter

    Hola Ángel,

    The CF air intakes + AP Racing front brakes will come in handy at the Nordschfeile ... we can test them vs Lotus 2-Eleven like last year.